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Simplifying cloud pipeline deployments

Descriptor Based Deployments

Describe "what" you want to deploy (in yaml) and TieCD does the "how" of building and deploying your application.

Image Building

TieCD can build standard based application images, without Docker, directly in the code build stage.


TieCD provides containized images for deploying into mainsream cloud Kubernetes providers (Openshift, GKE, EKS, AKS, vanilla k8s).

Flexible Deloyments

Deploy into Kubernetes using helm, manifests, TieCD auto generated apps and custom scripts.


Standard Projects

TieCD can build code and images automatically for many code project types. Including: node, nextjs, springboot, war and flutter web projects.



TieCD runs directly from your project pipeline(s) in it's own image. Out of the box support for Gitlab and Github.